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Texture animation on Libgdx

this is my first time here and i got a question for you. I hope you can help me. So the thing it's that I have this class on my game and I want that the player repeat the animation while he is walking. Sorry if u don't understand me but my english it's basic. Here is the class.

public class Player extends Actor implements InputProcessor {

    private final Texture tile4;
    private final Texture tile5;
    private Texture tile1 = null;
    private Texture tile2 = null;
    private Texture tile3 = null;
    private int textureIndex=0;
    private boolean flipX;
    private boolean moving;
    private boolean onTheFloor;
    private float verticalSpeed = 0;
    private Level level;
    protected Texture [] tile;

    public Player(Level level) {
        this.level = level;
        tile1 = new Texture("idle.PNG");
        tile2 = new Texture("walk a.PNG");
        tile3 = new Texture("walk b.PNG");
        tile4= new Texture("walk c.PNG");
        tile5= new Texture("walk d.PNG");
        tile = new Texture[]{tile1, tile2, tile3,tile4,tile5};
        character.x = level.getpInitialX();
        character.y = level.getpInitialY();
        character.width = 80;
        character.height = 80;

    public void act(float delta) {
        if (!onTheFloor) {
            verticalSpeed += delta * Constants.GRAVITY;
            character.y = character.y + verticalSpeed * delta;


        if (moving) {
            if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT))
                character.x -= Constants.INC_X;

            if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT)) {
                character.x += Constants.INC_X;

        if (character.y < 0) {
            character.y = 0;
            verticalSpeed = 0;
            onTheFloor = true;

    public void draw(SpriteBatch batch)
                character.x, character.y, 
                character.width / 2, character.height / 2,
                character.width, character.height,
                1, 1,   
                0, 0,  
                (int) character.width, (int) character.height,
                flipX , false  

        if (Constants.DEBUG)

    private void checkCollisions(List<Platform> platforms)
        if (verticalSpeed > 0) {
            for (Platform platform : platforms)
                if (platform.getBoundingBox().contains(character.x, character.y + character.height) ||
                        platform.getBoundingBox().contains(character.x + character.width, character.y + character.height))
                    character.y = platform.getBoundingBox().y - character.height;
                    verticalSpeed = 0;
        } else
            onTheFloor = false;
            for (Platform platform : platforms)
                if (platform.getBoundingBox().contains(character.x, character.y) ||
                        platform.getBoundingBox().contains(character.x + character.width, character.y))
                    character.y = platform.getBoundingBox().y + platform.getBoundingBox().height;
                    verticalSpeed = 0;
                    onTheFloor = true;


    public boolean keyDown(int keycode)
        if (keycode == Input.Keys.LEFT)
            character.x -= Constants.INC_X;
            flipX = true;
            moving = true;

        if (keycode == Input.Keys.RIGHT)
            character.x += Constants.INC_X;
            flipX = false;
            moving = true;
        if (keycode == Input.Keys.SPACE)
            verticalSpeed = Constants.JUMP_SPEED;
            onTheFloor = false;
        return false;

    public boolean keyUp(int keycode)
        return false;

    public boolean keyTyped(char character)
        return false;

    public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button)
        return false;

    public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button)
        return false;

    public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer)
        return false;

    public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY)
        return false;

    public boolean scrolled(int amount)
        return false;


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