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separate numbers and mathematical sign from string in java

I am making a calculator sort of app for android and got stuck for evaluating expression which comes by entering numbers and different signs.I have string as "10+5-35*2+80/4" and want to separate all numbers and signs so that I can solve the expression.

more specific.... number can be any number between [0-9] of any digit and any operator can be there.

You can iterate over the string and use the following:

for(Character ch : inputString.toCharArray())
    if (Character.isDigit(ch))
        // ...
    List<String> numbers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> operators = new ArrayList<>();
    String str = "1+2/300%4";
    char[] strCharArray = str.toCharArray();
    StringBuilder numbersSb = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < strCharArray.length; i++) {
        if (Character.isDigit(strCharArray[i])) {
        } else {
            numbersSb = new StringBuilder();
        if (i == strCharArray.length - 1 && !numbersSb.toString().isEmpty()) {

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