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Create a Dictionary using Array of Object

I have a problem with this code. My purpose is to create a Dictionary that counts the frequency of a word in a text, using an Array of Objects (I can't use Hash Map or something else). I created a class Pair that contains the couple (word,count).

public class Pair
{ public String word;
  public int count;

  public Pair(String word,int count)

  public String getWord()
  {return word;}

  public int getCount()
  {return count;}

  public void addCount()

  public String toString()
  { return getWord()+" "+getCount();}


And the class Dict that creates an Array of object using the Pair class

public class Dict

    {   private Pair [] a;
     private int inputSize;

    public Dict()
     {a=new Pair[10];

   public void insert(Pair x)
     { if(a.length==inputSize)
         { Pair newA []=new Pair [2*inputSize];
            for(int i=0;i<inputSize;i++)
                 { newA[i]=a[i];

       for(int i=0;i<inputSize;i++)                 // i check if x is already in the array if i find it i replace it otherwise i add it in the array
          { if(a[i].getWord().equals(x.getWord()))


  public Pair find(Pair x)                             // if i don't find x return null
  { for(int i=0;i<inputSize;i++)
        {  if(a[i].getWord().equals(x.getWord()))
               {return a[i];}

     return null;


  public String toString()
  {String s="";
   for(int i=0;i<inputSize;i++)
       { s=s+a[i].toString()+'\n';
     return s;

After I created the test class with the main method

import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class MyDict
{public static void main(String [] args)
  { Dict d=new Dict();
    Scanner c=new Scanner(System.in);

    {String s=c.next();
     Pair p=new Pair(s,1);        // create a new pair
     Pair previous=d.find(p);
     if(previous!=null)           //if the pair is already in the stack i add 1 to the counter otherwise i insert it in the array



But it doesn't work, in particular the variable "count" doesn't grow. For example, if I write "how how are are you you " I get:

how 1
are 1
you 1

Can anyone help me please?

Change p.count++ to previous.count++ .

Otherwise you never change the count of the existing Pair s.

 Pair p=new Pair(s,1); 
 Pair previous=d.find(p);
 if(previous!=null) {         
 } else {

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