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find and remove words matching a substring in a sentence

Is it possible to use regex to find all words within a sentence that contains a substring?


var sentence = "hello my number is 344undefined848 undefinedundefined undefinedcalling whistleundefined";

I need to find all words in this sentence which contains 'undefined' and remove those words.

Output should be "hello my number is ";

FYI - currently I tokenize (javascript) and iterate through all the tokens to find and remove, then merge the final string. I need to use regex. Please help.


You can use:

str = str.replace(/ *\b\S*?undefined\S*\b/g, '');

RegEx Demo

It certainly is possible.

Something like start of word, zero or more letters, "undefined", zero or more letters, end of word should do it.

A word boundary is \\b outside a character class, so:


using non-greedy repetition to avoid the letter matching tryig to match "undefined" and leading to lots of backtracking.

Edit switch [a-zA-Z] to \\w because the example includes numbers in the "words".


Try this simple regex.Replace by empty string .See demo.


Since there are enough solutions with regular expressions, here is another one - using arrays and simple function that finds occurrence of a string in a string :)

Even though the code looks more "dirty", it actually works faster than regular expression, so it might make sense to consider it when dealing with LARGE strings

    var sentence = "hello my number is 344undefined848 undefinedundefined undefinedcalling whistleundefined";
    var array = sentence.split(' ');
    var sanitizedArray = [];

    for (var i = 0; i <= array.length; i++) {
        if (undefined !== array[i] && array[i].indexOf('undefined') == -1) {

    var sanitizedSentence = sanitizedArray.join(' ');


Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/448bbumh/


str = str.replace(/undefined/g, '');

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