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Can two different types of databases be used in a single SqlDataSource?

I've got a Microsoft SQL Database and a MySQL Database that I need to join and put into a GridView.

So far I've been successful using ASP and a SqlDataSource like so

 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="mySqlDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ connectionStrings:cs1 %>" ProviderName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT DashName, DashIP1, SNMP_Name, DoesBackup, DashDevType FROM ConfigBackupDevices"> </asp:SqlDataSource> 

How ever I'm not sure how to join in the second database. Do I need to do this in the code behind or is it possible in asp?

It is not possible to bind two data sources to one control, but you can use multiple tables in one data source. You can also join tables.

It is not possible to bind two databases with one sql datasource.

The best option is create either DataTable or DataSet with desired data using Join to these different databases. then bind the grid using that DataTable or DataSet .

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