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get multiple substrings from a string in Ruby

I have

tmp_body_symbols="things <st>hello</st> and <st>blue</st> by <st>orange</st>"
str1_markerstring = "<st>"
str2_markerstring = "</st>"
frags << tmp_body_symbols[/#{str1_markerstring}(.*?)#{str2_markerstring}/m, 1]

frags is "hello" but I want ["hello","blue","orange"]

How woudl I do that?

Use scan :


See also: Ruby docs for String#scan .

You can use Nokogiri to parse HTML/XML

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri' 

doc = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse("things <st>hello</st> and <st>blue</st> by <st>orange</st>")
#=> ["hello", "blue", "orange"]

More Info : http://www.nokogiri.org/tutorials/parsing_an_html_xml_document.html

You can do this with a capture group, as @Doorknob has done, or without a capture group, by using a ("zero-width") positive look-behind and positive-lookahead:

tmp = "things <st>hello</st> and <st>blue</st> by <st>orange</st>"
s1 = "<st>"
s2 = "</st>"

tmp.scan(/(?<=#{ s1 }).*?(?=#{ s2 })/).flatten
  #=> ["hello", "blue", "orange"]
  • (?<=#{ s1 }) , which evaluates to (?<=<st>) , is the positive look-behind.
  • (?=#{ s2 }) , which evaluates to (?=</st>) , is the positive look-behind.
  • ? following .* makes it "non-greedy". Without it:

tmp.scan(/(?<=#{ s1 }).*(?=#{ s2 })/).flatten
  #=> ["hello</st> and <st>blue</st> by <st>orange"] 

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