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Allow just one PHPSESSID per user

I've created a webservice, on which users can log in sending an oauth token. As response, this webservice returns a PHPSESSID cookie to keep the user logged in.

However, if you do log in several times, a new ID is generated each time. Examples:

  1. ts1i3plmdcnmoivai637a27oe1
  2. bhn1snms8kajmpo8ape5e5ctj3
  3. d5467idr1ree9dcq6h9cqt9oj2
  4. en2vbo1r62fqmrriid8l4rkvd3

All those 4 ID's are valid.

Is there any way make this sessid unique per user? So for example, when ID#4 is generated, previous 3 are discarded. Then I could handle a 403 error or whatever.

On the other hand, a second question:

Is it possible to make this PHPSESSID token longer?

If you want that then it's better to use your own cookies instead of php sessions.

You'll need to generate a random cookie key when someone log in, I'll call that random cookie key as cookie_id.

Then you need to store it in the database with the user_id it's connected to, so you can make a new table in database called sessions, with cookie_id and user_id fields (user_id needs to be unique), or you can extend your user table with cookies_id field.

After saving the cookie_id value with it's related user in db, you'll give that cookie_id to that user through cookies.

You can verify logged-in user with his cookie_id. When logging out cookie_id will be null in db. When another login happen, new cookie_id will be written over the old cookie_id in db. That's it

Also You can set the period of your cookie with the expire parameter: http://php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php

For more security you can make cronjobs to delete cookie ids from db after some period of time. (You'll need to store the login date to do so)

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