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find the common superstring from given list of strings in python

I have my strings in my input


In output I want the common shortest superstring.


I have completed it using the lambda expression but I want it without lambda expression.

from itertools import *
print min((reduce(lambda s,w:(w+s[max(i*(s[:i]==w[-i:])for i in range(99)):],s)[w in s],p)
for p in permutations(input())),key=len)  

I tried it without using lambda expression and got wrong output.

from itertools import permutations

def solve(*strings):
   Given a list of strings, return the shortest string that contains them all.
   return min((simplify(p) for p in permutations(strings)), key=len)

def prefixes(s):
   Return a list of all the prefixes of the given string (including itself), in ascending order (from shortest to longest).
   return [s[:i+1] for i in range(len(s))]
   return [(i,s[:i+1]) for i in range(len(s))][::-1]

def simplify(strings):
    Given a list of strings, concatenate them wile removing overlaps between
    successive elements.
    ret = ''
    for s in strings:
        if s in ret:
        for i, prefix in reversed(list(enumerate(prefixes(s)))):
            if ret.endswith(prefix):
                ret += s[i+1:]
            ret += s
    return ret


My wrong output:


Looks as though

if s in ret:

should be

if s in ret:

Think that will fix it.

Also the second return statement is surplus - doesn't it simulate reversed(list(enumerate(prefixes(s)))) anyway?

Finally, I think I prefer your initial map-reduce solution!

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