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Retrieving Values from Module by Name?

I'm attempting to read the following data from a separate .py file in a different directory, specifically: "assets.ovs.screen0".

Show here is the contents of assets.ovs.screen0.placement:

selection_Size = [600,110]
selection_Loc  = [1500-600,208]
selection_Mov  = [0,115]

At the base of the tree is a file, test.py, currently reading:

import assets.ovs.screen0.placement as placement

requiredVar = "select_"

print placement.select_Size
print eval("placement."+ requiredVar)

Assuming there is a safer/easier way of doing this, what would it be?

Can i try this way:

param = ["selection_Size", "selection_Loc", "selection_Mov", "error"]
for par in param:
    print par, placement.__dict__.get(par, None)

    # this should work too
    # print par, getattr(placement, par, None)


selection_Size [600, 110]
selection_Loc [900, 208]
selection_Mov [0, 115]
error None

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