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Speeding up array iteration time in python

Currently I am iterating over one array and for each value in this array I am looking for the closest value at the corresponding point in another array that is within a region surrounding the corresponding point.

In summary: For any point in an array, how far away from a corresponding point in another array do you need to go to get the same value.

The code seems to work well for small arrays, however I am working now with 1024x768 arrays, leading me to wait a long time for each run....

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as I have been on this for a while!!

Example matrix in format Im using: np.array[[1,2],[3,4]]

#Distance to agreement

#Used later to define a region of pixels around a corresponding point
#to iterate over:
DTA = 26

#To account for noise in pixels - doesnt have to find the exact value,   
#just one within +/-130 of it.
limit = 130

#Containers for all pixel value matches and also the smallest distance
#to pixel match
Dist = []
Dist_min = []   

#Continer matrix for gamma pass/fail values
Dist_to_agree = np.zeros((i_size,j_size))

#i,j indexes the reference matrix (x), ii,jj indexes the measured     
#matrix(y). Finds a match within the limits, 
#appends the distance to the match into Dist.
#Then find the minimum distance to a match for that pixel and append it 
#to dist_min

for i, k in enumerate(x):
    for j, l in enumerate(k):
#added 10 packing to y matrix, so need to shift it by 10 in i&j
        for ii in range((i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA):  
            for jj in range((j+10)-DTA,(j+10)+DTA):

#If the pixel value is within a range to account for noise, 
#let it be "found"
                if (y[ii,jj]-limit) <= x[i,j] <= (y[ii,jj]+limit):
                    #Calculating distance
                    dist_eu = sqrt(((i)-(ii))**2 + ((j) - (jj))**2)

#If a value cannot be found within the noise range, 
#append 10 = instant fail. 
            Dist_to_agree[i,j] = min(Dist)
        except ValueError:

        #Need to reset container or previous values will also be
        #accounted for when finding minimum
        Dist = []

print Dist_to_agree

First, you are getting the elements of x in k and l , but then throwing that away and indexing x again. So in place of x[i,j] , you could just use l , which would be much faster (although l isn't a very meaningful name, something like xi and xij might be better).

Second, you are recomputing y[ii,jj]-limit and y[ii,jj]+limit every time. If you have enough memory, you can-precomputer these: every time. If you have enough memory, you can-precomputer these: ym = y-limit and yp = y+limit`.

Third, appending to a list is slower than creating an array and setting the values for long lists vs. long arrays. You can also skip the entire else clause by pre-setting the default value.

Fourth, you are computing min(dist) twice, and further may be using the python version rather than the numpy version, the latter being faster for arrays (which is another reason to make dist and array).

However, the biggest speedup would be to vectorize the inner two loops. Here is my tests, with x=np.random.random((10,10)) and y=np.random.random((100,100)) :

Your version takes 623 ms.

Here is my version, which takes 7.6 ms:

dta = 26
limit = 130

dist_to_agree = np.zeros_like(x)
dist_min = []

ym = y-limit
yp = y+limit
for i, xi in enumerate(x):
    irange = (i-np.arange(i+10-dta, i+10+dta))**2
    if not irange.size:

    ymi = ym[i+10-dta:i+10+dta, :]
    ypi = yp[i+10-dta:i+10+dta, :]

    for j, xij in enumerate(xi):
        jrange = (j-np.arange(j+10-dta, j+10+dta))**2
        if not jrange.size:

        ymij = ymi[:, j+10-dta:j+10+dta]
        ypij = ypi[:, j+10-dta:j+10+dta]

        imesh, jmesh = np.meshgrid(irange, jrange, indexing='ij')
        dist = np.sqrt(imesh+jmesh)
        dist[ymij > xij  or xij < ypij]  = 10

        mindist = dist.min()
        dist_to_agree[i,j] = mindist


@Ciaran Meshgrid is kinda a vectorized equivalent of two nested loops. Below are two equivalent ways of calculating the dist. One with loops and one with meshgrid+numpy vector operations. The second one is six times faster.


 def func1():
        for ii in range((i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA):  
            for jj in range((j+10)-DTA,(j+10)+DTA):
                dist1[ii-((i+10)-DTA),jj-((j+10)-DTA)] =sqrt(((i)-(ii))**2 + ((j) - (jj))**2)
        return dist1

    def func2():
        ii, jj = meshgrid(np.arange((i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA), 
        return dist2

This is how ii and jj matrices look after meshgrid operation

 [[105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]
 [105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114]]
 [[205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205]
 [206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206 206]
 [207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207]
 [208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208]
 [209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209 209]
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 [211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211]
 [212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212]
 [213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 213]
 [214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214 214]]

for loops are very slow in pure python and you have four nested loops which will be very slow. Cython does wonders to the for loop speed. You can also try vectorization. While I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, you may try to vectorize at last some of the operations. Especially the last two loops.

So instead of two ii,jj cycles over

y[ii,jj]-limit) <= x[i,j] <= (y[ii,jj]+limit)

you can do something like

ii, jj = meshgrid(np.arange((i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA), np.arange((j+10)-DTA,(j+10)+DTA))
t=(y[(i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA]-limit>=x[i,j]) & (y[(i+10)-DTA,(i+10)+DTA]+limit<=x[i,j])

np.min(Dist[t]) will have your minimum distance for element i,j

The numbapro compiler offers gpu Acceleration. Unfortunately it isn't free.


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