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Check is a string element of CodeIgniter query

Hello I wanna check if is string element of codeIgniter query, so I wanna compere to arrays.

I use this soulution but i get false in both case.

 $data = array(
    'Firstname' => $ime ,
    'Lastname' => $prezime,
    'Nick' => $username,
    'EmailAddress' => $email,
    'Uid' => $uid,

$rs = $this->db->query("Select Nick FROM cms_cart_customers");
$array = $rs->result_array();
$this->db->insert('cms_cart_customers', $data);

The result_array() function returns you a multi-dimensional array, even with a single column. You need to flatten the array in order to search the array linearly, try something like this:

$array = $rs->result_array();
$flattened = array();
foreach($array as $a) {
    $flattened[] = $a['Nick'];

if(!in_array($data['Nick'],$flattened)) {
    $this->db->insert('cms_cart_customers', $data);

Codeigniter query will return result in associative array and in_array() function will not going to do the trick.

Here is one way you can do this custom is_in_array function source

//Helper function
function is_in_array($array, $key, $key_value){
  $within_array = false;
  foreach( $array as $k=>$v ){
    if( is_array($v) ){
        $within_array = is_in_array($v, $key, $key_value);
        if( $within_array == true ){
    } else {
            if( $v == $key_value && $k == $key ){
                    $within_array = true;
  return $within_array;

$array = $rs->result_array();
if(!is_in_array($array, 'Nick', $data['Nick']))
    $this->db->insert('cms_cart_customers', $data);

Other Method

If you are trying to avoid duplicate entry, you should use a Select query first to check that the 'Nick' = $username is already present in table, if not then Issue an insert


$rs = $this->db->get_where('cms_cart_customers', array('Nick' => $username));

//After that just check the row count it should return 0
if($rs->num_rows() == 0) {
    $this->db->insert('cms_cart_customers', $data);

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