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Split a string by two different delimiters

I have this string.


I want to find the three different parts ( ignoring @ )

Past using indexOf('@') to find it, I'm not sure what to do next. What other things like indexOf() could I use?

What other things like indexOf() could I use?

You need indexOf

 String text = "One@two.three";
 int pos1 = text.indexOf('@');
 // search for the first `.` after the `@`
 int pos2 = text.indexOf('.', pos1 + 1);

 if (pos1 < 0 || pos2 < 0)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException();

 String s1 = text.substring(0, pos1);
 String s2 = text.substring(pos1 + 1, pos2);
 String s3 = text.substring(pos2 + 1);

Use split() :

final String input = "One@two.three";
for (String field: input.split("@|\\.")) {

Prints :


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