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How can I split a string into substrings?

I want to split the string "KD-435" into two substrings to check whether the first substring "KD-" begins with the following characters "KD-" and the second substring is number beteewn "400-500" .

I have the following method and I want to change it to do that at this position if (ssid.startsWith("KD-"))

private void check_wifi_available() {
    WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) this

    final List<ScanResult> results = wifiManager.getScanResults();
    if (results != null) {

        List<ScanResult> updatedResults = new ArrayList<ScanResult>();
        // pick wifi access ponits which begins with these "KD" characters.
        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
            String ssid = results.get(i).SSID;
            if (ssid.startsWith("KD")) {

        if (updatedResults.size() > 0) {
            String a = calculateBestAccessPoint(updatedResults);

You could use a regex to do it all in one fell swoop:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^KD-(4[0-9]{2}|500)$");
Matcher m = p.matcher("KD-411"); // Replace with your string.
if (m.matches()) {
    // It worked!
} else {
    // It didn't.
    String [] parts = ssid.split("-");

if(parts.length == 2)

    String firstPart = parts[0]; //That's KD
    String secondPart = parts[1]; //That's 435

    //do whatever you want

You don't necessarily need to explicitly split it (in the sense of invoking String.split ), eg

if (s.startsWith("KD-")) {
  int v = Integer.parseString(s.substring(3));
  if (v >= 400 && v <= 500) {
    // Do whatever.

You would need to handle the fact that s.substring(3) might not be parseable as an integer.

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