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How i can define schema for array using jsonloader?

I am using elephantbird project to load a json file to pig. But i am not sure how i can define the schema at load. Did not find a description about the same.




feed = LOAD '$INPUT' USING com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader() AS products_json;

extracted_products = FOREACH feed GENERATE
    products_json#'id' AS id,
    products_json#'name' AS name,
    products_json#'colors' AS colors,
    products_json#'sizes' AS sizes;

describe extracted_products;


extracted_products: {id: chararray,name: bytearray,colors: bytearray,sizes: bytearray}

how i can give the correct schema to them (int,string,array,array) and how can i flatten array elements into rows?

thanks in advance

to convert json array to tuple:

feed = LOAD '$INPUT' USING com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader() AS products_json;

extracted_products = FOREACH feed GENERATE
products_json#'id' AS id:chararray,
products_json#'name' AS name:chararray,
products_json#'colors' AS colors:{t:(i:chararray)},
products_json#'sizes' AS sizes:{t:(i:chararray)};

to flatten a tuple

flattened = foreach extracted_products generate id,flatten(colors);

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