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C# to database (textboxes)

I want to use my textboxes to send data to my database.

The problem is that he doesn't know loonberekening.tblWerknemer , I always get

incorrect syntax near 'tblWerknemer'

Here is a picture of my tables: http://gyazo.com/1a92845f51f56ef37e9ae3adf3f23a7c

string database = (@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=E:\gip_stap_2\loonberekening.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30");
string werknemergegevens = "insert into loonberekening.tblWerknemer (naam,voornaam) values ('"+txtNaam.Text+"','"+txtVoornaam.Text+"');";
SqlConnection cnnLoonberekening = new SqlConnection(database);
SqlCommand scmdLoon = new SqlCommand(werknemergegevens, cnnLoonberekening);
SqlDataReader check;

    check = scmdLoon.ExecuteReader();
    while (check.Read())
}catch(Exception ex)

Try "insert into loonberekening.dbo.tblWerknemer"

also as an aside look into parameterisation of the values.

Either add ;InitialCatalog=loonberekening to the end of the connection string to specify the database or add a schema name to the query: loonberekening.dbo.tblWerknemer .

  • There will be nothing to read back from an insert as you appear to be attempting
  • You need to use an SQLCommand to prevent what will happen if you run your code with a ' anywhere in the textbox. (SQL Injection)


Try rewrite the query as insert into dbo.tblWerknemer ... , because loonberekening is the database name and dbo.tblWerknemer is the actual table name

Also try to use parametrized query instead of directly passing values to prevent sql injection.


try this:

 string database = (@"Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=E:\gip_stap_2\loonberekening.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30");
string werknemergegevens = "insert into tblWerknemer (naam,voornaam) values (@Naam,@Voornaam)";
using(SqlConnection cnnLoonberekening = new SqlConnection(database))

SqlCommand scmdLoon = new SqlCommand(werknemergegevens, cnnLoonberekening);

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