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Not able to fetch all json response from server

I want to fetch json response from server for that I am using following code

public class AtomAddressDetail implements java.io.Serializable {

    private Long id;
    private Place placeByStateId;
    private Atom atom;
    private Place placeByCountryId;
    private Place placeByCityId;
    private Place placeByStreetId;
    private Place placeByAreaId;
    private String houseno;
   //getter and setter

public class Place implements java.io.Serializable {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String about;
    //getter and setter

In action

public class SettingAction extends ActionSupport {
 private long pageId; //getter and setter
private long id;  //getter and setter
 private List<AtomAddressDetail> atomAddressList;
    public String singleAddress() {
         setAtomAddressList(cdao.singleAddress(getId(), getPageId()));
         for (AtomAddressDetail a : getAtomAddressList()) {
                            System.out.println("Country " + a.getPlaceByCountryId().getId() + " " + a.getPlaceByCountryId().getName());
                            System.out.println("state " + a.getPlaceByStateId().getId() + " " + a.getPlaceByStateId().getName());
                            System.out.println("city " + a.getPlaceByCityId().getId() + " " + a.getPlaceByCityId().getName());
                             System.out.println("area " + a.getPlaceByAreaId().getId() + " " + a.getPlaceByAreaId().getName());
                            System.out.println("street " + a.getPlaceByStreetId().getId() + " " + a.getPlaceByStreetId().getName());
         public List<AtomAddressDetail> getAtomAddressList() {
                return atomAddressList;

            public void setAtomAddressList(List<AtomAddressDetail> atomAddressList) {
                this.atomAddressList = atomAddressList;


Country 2 India
state 3 asdf
city 4 sdfsd
area 5 www
street 6 sdfdsa f

In struts.xml

<action name="SingleAddressDetail" class=".SettingAction" method="singleAddress">
            <result name="success" type="json">
                <param name="includeProperties">
                <param name="excludeNullProperties">true</param>
                <param name="root">
            <result name="input" type="json"/>
            <result name="login" type="json"></result>


{"atomAddressList":[{"houseno":"sadf sadf ","id":1}]}

Problem is in JSP page I am getting only two filds value but I want to fetch all values that are specified in struts.xml 's action.

Values are printed in action properly as mentioned but on accessing in JSP like alert(data.atomAddressList[0].placeByCountryId.id); it is showing

error:Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined

You haven't included some properties in the json result because they should be valid regex expressions for each property. A period character should be escaped.

<param name="includeProperties">

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