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To grep version number from Wordpress plugin folder

What will be grep regex to extract version number like

 Version: 3.1.5
 * Version: 3.1.5

Will output 3.1.5

But It should not catch likes

MIME-Version: 1.0\n

Here is my grep command

grep -ri 'version\s*:\s*[0-9\.]\w*' /home/test/public_html/wp-content/plugins/plugin_name 

@anubhava woocommerce is a folder. There is file woocommerce.php under this folder.

**Content of woocommerce.php **

 * Plugin Name: WooCommerce
 * Plugin URI: http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/
 * Description: An e-commerce toolkit that helps you sell anything. Beautifully.
 * Version: 2.3.8
 * Author: WooThemes
 * Author URI: http://woothemes.com
 * Requires at least: 4.0
 * Tested up to: 4.2


grep -rPo "(^|\s|^\*)+(Version\s*:\s*)\K([0-9]|\.)*(?=\s|$)" /home/test/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/

You can use grep -oP (PERL style regex):

grep -oP 'Version: *\K\S+' file

Version: * matches literal Version: followed by 0 or more spaces. \\K resets the match information and \\S+ matches version number.

grep -rPo "(^|\s|^\*)+(Version\s*:\s*)\K([0-9]|\.)*(?=\s|$)" /home/test/public_html/wp-content/plugins/attachments/

Explanation :

  • -P stands for PCRE, -o for taking only the matched portion of the line

  • (^|\\s)+(Version: ) will match Version at the start or one or more whitespaces, the \\K will then discard the match

  • ([0-9]|\\.)* will match any digit or . zero or more times, this is what we want

  • The previous token will be followed by either any whitespace character or end of the line

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