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regex to replace ``` {.bash} with ```bash

Within vim I'd like to replace all

``` {.foo}



foo can be anything.

:0,$ s/``` {\\.([^}]+)}/```\\1/ doesn't do the trick. It results in an

 E486: Pattern not found: ``` {\.([^}]+)} 

error. What regex can I use?

You need to escape ( and ) if you want to capture the group (otherwise it just represents opening/closing parenthesis). You also need to escape + if you want it to mean one-or-more.

You also need to add the g flag at the end to mean global-substitute (all occurrences in a line, not just the first one), unless gdefault is on (in which case the g actually removes the global flag). And you can also use :%s to mean :0,$s .

So :

:%s/``` {\.\([^}]\+\)}/```\1/g

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