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Bash - Find and replace regex with another string

I have the following string libVersion = '' and I need to replace with .

Obviously the version could be any number with similar format (it does not have to be 4 numbers).

I tried to use the following but doesn't work

echo "libVersion = ''" |sed "s/([0-9\\.]+)/"

Basic sed, ie sed without any arguments uses BRE (Basic Regular Expression). In BRE , you have to escape + , to bring the power of regex + which repeats the previous token one or more times, likewise for the capturing groups \\(regex\\)

echo "libVersion = ''" | sed "s/[0-9.]\+/"

You may also use a negated char class to replace all the chars exists within single quotes.

echo "libVersion = ''" | sed "s/'[^']*'/''/"

Since the replacement should occur only one time, you don't need a g global modifier.

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