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Extract characters from string after last period

I have an orderedDict :

[('A', <function __main__.percentile_50>),
 ('B', <function numpy.core.fromnumeric.sum>),
 ('C', <function numpy.core.fromnumeric.sum>),
 ('D', <function numpy.core.fromnumeric.mean>),

I want to create a column that says what descriptive was used (percentile_50, sum, mean, etc.) I'm thinking of finding the last . and then grabbing the characters after it up until > . So I would end up with percentile_50, sum, sum, mean, etc. . Any suggestions?

If you have string in your tuples you can use split within a list comprehension :

>>> l=[('A', '<function __main__.percentile_50>'),
...  ('B', '<function numpy.core.fromnumeric.sum>'),
...  ('C', '<function numpy.core.fromnumeric.sum>'),
...  ('D', '<function numpy.core.fromnumeric.mean>')]
>>> [(i,j.strip('>').split('.')[-1]) for i,j in l]
[('A', 'percentile_50'), ('B', 'sum'), ('C', 'sum'), ('D', 'mean')]

But if you have function objects you can use the __name__ attribute for your function to extract the names :

>>> [(i,j.__name__) for i,j in l]
[('A', 'percentile_50'), ('B', 'sum'), ('C', 'sum'), ('D', 'mean')]

One of the solutions using regex:



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