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How do I compare these two strings in python?

In crawling RSS feed, I do not want duplicate items added to my list. The problem is that some duplicates are not detected by my if title not in mylist line because they are slightly different. Nonetheless, these two news items are basically the same. Take a look at this two.

"Kom igjen, norsk ungdom, de eldre trenger oss!" and
"Kom igjen norsk ungdom, de eldre trenger oss"

As you see, the first one has comma after Kom igjen and the second one doesn't and has an exclamation mark at the end.

Since there is no other unique id that makes individual items unique, I do not know how to detect duplicates like the one above.

Python has a SequenceMatcher build-in:

from difflib import SequenceMatcher
SequenceMatcher(None, "Hello you!", "Hello you").ratio()
SequenceMatcher(None, "Apple", "Orange").ratio()

So you can loop over all and compare the ratio against some threshold.

You can use str.translate method before you add your news to your list to remover punctuations :

>>> s1.translate(None, string.punctuation)
'Kom igjen norsk ungdom de eldre trenger oss'

In that case you'll compare your texts based on theirs alphabets.

In python 3 you can do :

>>> s1.translate(dict.fromkeys(map(ord,string.punctuation),None))
'Kom igjen norsk ungdom de eldre trenger oss'

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