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Regex to identify C# functions

I need to find all functions in my VS solution with a certain attribute and insert a line of code at the end and at the beginning of each one. For identifying the functions, I've got as far as


But that only works on functions that don't contain any other blocks of code delimited by braces. If I set the last capturing group to [\\s\\S] (all characters), it simply selects all text from the start of the first function to the end of the last one. Is there a way to get around this and select just one whole function?

I am afraid balancing constructs themselves are not enough since you may have unbalanced number of them in the method body. You can still try this regex that will handle most of the caveats:


See demo on RegexStorm

The regex will ignore all { and } in the string literals and // -like comments, and will consume {...} blocks. The only thing it does not support is /*...*/ multiline comments. Please let me know if you also need to account for them.


The bad news is that you can't do that by the Search-And-Replace feature because it doesn't support balancing groups. You can write a separate program in C# that does it for you.

The construct to get the matching closing brace is:


This matches a block of {...} . But as @DmitryBychenko mentioned it doesn't respect comments or strings.

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