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Multiple column values in where clause

I need to display the Single user schedule for every week like Timetable ,

Scenario : A faculty is assigned to Multiple batches in a single week (Eg : BBA,Maths and Forenoon for Hour 1 and 2) & (MBA, Maths, Forenoon for Hour 3&4) in a same date say (30-06-2015).I row of gridview will store as 1 and 2 row as stores as 2 and so on.........

My Table Definition :

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[test] (
    [datedif]     NVARCHAR (50)  NOT NULL,
    [hour]         INT              NULL,
    [subject]    NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [faculty]    NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [attendence] BIT            NULL,
    [dayweek]     NVARCHAR (50)  NULL,
    [weekmonth]   NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [batch]       NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [section]     NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,
    [session]     NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL

Table Looks Like :

Datefdiff | hour | subject | faulty| batch
30-06-2015| 1| Maths    | Kevin   | BBA
30-06-2015| 2| Science  | Amal    | MBA
30-06-2015|3 | chemistry|Jaya     |BBA
30-06-2015|4 | chemistry|Jaya     |BBA 
30-06-2015|5 | chemistry|Jaya     |BBA
31-06-2015 |1| science  | Amal    |BBA
31-06-2015 |2| Maths    | kevin   |BBA 
31-06-2015 |3| Science  | Amal    |BBA 
31-06-2015 |4 | chemistry|Jaya     |BBA
31-06-2015 |5| science  | Amal    |BBA

Expected Output to be given for only the Faculty: Amal

Datefdiff |hour|subject| batch |hour|subject | batch |faculty|hour | subject | batch | hour | subject | batch| hour | subject | batch | 
30-06-2015| 1    | Maths| BBA| 2| Science  | MBA   | 3| Science  |   BBA| 4| chemistry| BBA | 5 |Physics |MBA
31-06-2015| 1    | Maths| BBA| 2| Science  | MBA   | 3| Science  |   BBA| 4| chemistry| BBA | 5 |Physics |MBA


This might be a starting point for your table design:

declare @tbFaculty table (
      FacultyID int --identity(1,1) primary key
    , Name varchar(50)

insert into @tbFaculty ( FacultyID, Name )
values    ( 1, 'Kevin' )
        , ( 2, 'Amal' )

declare @tbBatch table(
      BatchID int --identity(1,1) primary key
    , Name char(3)

insert into @tbBatch ( BatchID, Name )
values    ( 1, 'BBA' )
        , ( 2, 'MBA' )

declare @tbClass table (
      [Hour] tinyint
    , [Subject] nvarchar (128)
    , [FacultyID] int
    , [Attendence] bit
    , [BatchID] char(3)
    , [ClassDate] date

insert into @tbClass ( [Hour], [Subject], FacultyID, Attendence, BatchID, ClassDate )
values    ( 1, 'Maths', 1, 1, 1, '2015-06-30' )
        , ( 2, 'Maths', 1, 1, 1, '2015-06-30' )
        , ( 3, 'Science', 2, 1, 1, '2015-06-30' )
        , ( 1, 'Science', 2, 1, 2, '2015-06-30' )
        , ( 2, 'Science', 2, 1, 2, '2015-06-30' )
        , ( 3, 'Maths', 1, 1, 2, '2015-06-30' )

    , cl.[Hour]
    , cl.[Subject]
    , ba.Name as BatchName
    , fa.Name as FacultyName
    @tbClass cl
    inner join @tbBatch ba on ba.BatchID = cl.BatchID
    inner join @tbFaculty fa on fa.FacultyID = cl.FacultyID
    fa.Name = 'Amal'

You could normalize the Subject as well.

I'm just going to add this asa separate answer. Try this out:

--INSERT INTO dbo.test(datedif,[hour],[subject],faculty,batch)

            1 AS hour1,
            MAX(CASE WHEN [Hour] = 1 THEN [subject] END)    AS subject1,
            MAX(CASE WHEN [Hour] = 1 THEN [batch] END)      AS batch1 ,

            2 AS hour2,
            MAX(CASE WHEN [Hour] = 2 THEN [subject] END)    AS subject2,
            MAX(CASE WHEN [Hour] = 2 THEN [batch] END)      AS batch2

    FROM dbo.test
    WHERE faculty = 'Amal'

FROM    (
            SELECT DISTINCT datedif
            FROM dbo.test
        ) A

Here's how to normalize your data which will make querying it MUCH simpler.

Using your table definition, I inserted your data

INSERT INTO test(Datedif,hour1,subject1,faculty1,hour2,subject2,faculty2,hour3,subject3,faculty3,batch)
VALUES  ('30-06-2015',1,'Maths','Kevin',1,'Maths','Kevin',1,'Science','Amal','BBA'),

Then I created a new normalized structure for your data with narrower datatypes. It helps keep your data clean as well as not wasting storage space meaning queries will be faster as they don't have to process so much data.

    dt          DATE            NULL,
    hr          TINYINT         NULL, --holds values between 0 to 255
    subj        VARCHAR(100)    NULL, --plenty big enough. No need for NVARCHAR unless you are using Unicode characters
    faculty     VARCHAR(100)    NULL,
    attendance  BIT             NULL,
    dayweek     TINYINT         NULL,
    weekmonth   TINYINT         NULL,
    section     VARCHAR(100)    NULL, --not sure what this is
    sess        VARCHAR(100)    NULL, --not sure what this is
    batch       CHAR(3)         NULL  --looks like there are three character codes

This is where I normalize your data. I'm not sure if you have attendance2,3,4 etc... If you do in your actual table, then you should fix my code.

Note: I calculated dayweek and weekmonth from date. I did my best guess, if they are incorrect, then feel free to adjust them!

WITH norm_data
SELECT datedif,hour1,subject1,faculty1,attendence1,dayweek,weekmonth,section,[session],batch FROM test
SELECT datedif,hour2,subject2,faculty2,attendence1,dayweek,weekmonth,section,[session],batch FROM test
SELECT datedif,hour3,subject3,faculty3,attendence1,dayweek,weekmonth,section,[session],batch FROM test
SELECT datedif,hour4,subject4,faculty4,attendence1,dayweek,weekmonth,section,[session],batch FROM test
SELECT datedif,hour5,subject5,faculty5,attendence1,dayweek,weekmonth,section,[session],batch FROM test

INSERT INTO new_test
SELECT  PARSE(datedif AS DATE USING 'de-DE') AS [datedif],
        DATEPART(WEEKDAY,PARSE(datedif AS DATE USING 'de-DE')) AS dayweek,
        datepart(day, datediff(day, 0, PARSE(datedif AS DATE USING 'de-DE'))/7 * 7)/7 + 1 AS weekmonth,
FROM norm_data

Now let's look at your new table

FROM new_test

If it's correct, then here's how to rename the tables

EXEC SP_rename  @objname = 'test', --if you don't want to drop the old table
                @newname = 'test_old'

EXEC SP_rename  @objname = 'new_test', --now give the new table the actual name
                @newname = 'test'

FROM test

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