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Identify words from the string with regex

I have the following text:

your salary $4500 is deposited in account ABC09-234-1234
your salary $4500 is deposited in account abc09-234-1234

I try with (\\d+)|([A-Z0-9-]+) regex but it's not working with small letters.

I want to fetch $4500 and Account Number . Please help me with it .

Two options:

  • use [A-Za-z0-9] .
  • use the i regex modifier, to make it case insensitive.

Bit like this:


Edit: In light of your 'end of line' not being a firm anchor:


This captures a sequence of letters and digits that must include a - symbol instead.

But you can perhaps simplify - if you assume that the only things you are interested are the substrings ending with a digit (which your examples are)


Will match on both your lines:


You can use the following regex:


See demo

This regex will match $4500 s like substrings (everywhere in the string) and ABC09-234-1234 -like strings.

Assumptions :

  • Money values will always start with $ and not contain spaces of any other non-numeric character
  • Account number is always formatted in 3 'chunks' separated by -

Solution :


Here is a working example

It's not very clear what you want, but this solution may help you

use strict;
use warnings;

while ( <DATA> ) {
  my @words = grep /\d/, split;
  print "@words\n";

your salary $4500 is deposited in account ABC09-234-1234
your salary $4500 is deposited in account abc09-234-1234


$4500 ABC09-234-1234
$4500 abc09-234-1234

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