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Trouble converting some PHP to C#

I'm a .NET developer, and (confession time) I've never used PHP for anything ever. I find myself needing to convert some PHP to test an API. I've converted much of it, bringing my error count from over 400 to 69, however, the further I go, the more convinced I am that it's just going to be broken.

So, I've decided to throw myself at the mercy of my fellow devs and ask for some help.

What I'm converting is this, a wrapper class that calls the API and returns XML or JSON.


class APIv2 {
protected $accessToken;
protected $baseURL;
protected $functions = array();
protected $format = 'json';

public function __construct($accountid, $key, $baseURL = 'https://www.eiseverywhere.com')
    $this->baseURL = rtrim($baseURL,'/').'/api/v2/';
    $request = $this->rawRequest($this->baseURL.'global/authorize.json',
                                  array('accountid' => $accountid,'key' => $key));
    $response = json_decode($request['response'], true);
    if (empty($response['accesstoken'])) {
        throw new \Exception(__CLASS__.': Bad url or parameters given. '.print_r($response,1));
    $this->accessToken = $response['accesstoken'];
    $response = $this->rawRequest($this->baseURL.'global/listAvailableFunctions.json',
                                   array('accesstoken' => $this->accessToken));
    $functions = json_decode($response['response'], true);
    foreach ($functions as $sectionName=>$section) {
        foreach ($section as $methodName=>$functionArray) {
            foreach ($functionArray as $functionName) {
                $this->functions[$functionName] = array('method'=>$methodName, 'section'=>$sectionName);

public function setFormat($format)
    $validFormats = array('xml','json');
    if (! in_array($format, $validFormats)) {
        $message = __CLASS__.": Invalid format: $format. Not one of the following:";
        foreach ($validFormats as $value) { 
            $message .= ' '.$value;
        throw new \Exception($message);
    $this->format = $format;

public function request($request, $parameters = array())
    $parameters['accesstoken'] = $this->accessToken;
    if (! array_key_exists($request, $this->functions)) {
        return array(
            'response' => '',
            'info' => $this->functions,
            'errors' => "Unknown function: $request",
    $function = $this->functions[$request];
    $url = $this->baseURL.$function['section'].'/'.$request.'.'.$this->format;
    return $this->rawRequest($url, $parameters, $function['method']);

public static function rawRequest($url, $parameters = array(), $method = 'get')
    $response = 'Unable to use etouches API, please enable cURL functionality (http://php.net/curl) for your server and try again';
    $info = '';
    $errors = '';
    $method = strtolower($method);
    if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $method);
        $paramString = http_build_query($parameters);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url . (!empty($paramString)?'?'.$paramString:''));
        if ($method == 'post') {
            foreach ($parameters as &$value) {
                if (is_array($value)) {
                    $value = http_build_query($value);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $parameters);
        } else if ($method == 'put') {
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Length: ' . strlen($paramString)));
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $paramString);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        $info = curl_getinfo($ch);
        $errors = curl_error($ch);

    return array(
        'response' => $response,
        'info' => $info,
        'errors' => $errors


function dump($h1, $var)
    echo "<h1>$h1</h1>";

$api = new etouchesAPIv2($yourAccountId, $yourAPIKey);

$response = $api->request($call = 'listFolders');
$folders = json_decode($response['response'], true);
dump($call, $folders);

$parameters = array('name' => "New event created by etouches API",
                    'modules' => array('eHome','eMobile','eSelect','eReg','eBooth','eConnect','eSocial','eSeating'),);
if (count($folders)) {
    $parameters['folder'] = $folders[0]['folderid'];
$response = $api->request($call = 'createEvent', $parameters);
$newEvent = new SimpleXMLElement($response['response']);
dump($call, $newEvent);

$response = $api->request($call = 'listEvents');
$events = json_decode($response['response'], true);
dump($call, $events);

$response = $api->request($call = 'listSpeakers', array('eventid' => $events[0]['eventid']));
$speakers = new SimpleXMLElement($response['response']);
dump($call, $speakers);

$response = $api->request($call = 'getEvent', array('eventid' => $events[0]['eventid']));
$event = new SimpleXMLElement($response['response']);
dump($call, $event);

$response = $api->request($call = 'cloneEvent', array('eventid' => $events[0]['eventid'],'name'=>"Event cloned via etouches API"));
$clonedEvent = new SimpleXMLElement($response['response']);
dump($call, $clonedEvent);

Where I'm having the most trouble, is the PHP method calls. I've been looking up c# equivalents to the best of my ability, but the final result just isn't pretty.

So, could you please refer me to some 'PHP to C#' tools or conversion references, or help me out with the CURLs, __CLASS__ , and other PHP specifics?

I should note, I've looked into Phalanger, and would prefer not to use it if possible. I also haven't found any comprehensive PHP to C# conversion tools or guides as of yet.

Thank you in advance!


As requested, here's my attempt at conversion (I know, it's messy, I'm not proud of it. Not fully converted, in flux.)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using System.Net;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml;

namespace Test {
    public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page {
        protected static string accessToken;
        protected static string baseURL;
        protected Dictionary<string, string> functions = new Dictionary<string,string>();
        protected string format = "json";

    XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
        string accountid = (ACCOUNTID);
        string key = (KEY);
        string baseURL = "https://www.eiseverywhere.com";

        baseURL = baseURL.Remove(baseURL.LastIndexOf("/"),1).TrimEnd() + "/api/v2/";//rtrim(baseURL,"/")+"/api/v2/";

        Debug.WriteLine("baseURL: " + baseURL);

        string request = RawRequest(baseURL+"global/authorize.json",
                                        new string[]{accountid,key});
        //string response = json_decode(request["response"], true);
        var data = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //REF:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7699972/how-to-decode-a-json-string-using-c
        //data.Add("foo", "baa");
        JavaScriptSerializer ser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        var JSONString = ser.Serialize(data);
        var JSONObj = ser.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, string>>(JSONString);

        string response = JSONObj["response"];

        //if (empty(response["accesstoken"])) {
        //    throw new Exception(__CLASS__+": Bad url or parameters given. "+print_r(response,1));
        accessToken = JSONObj["accesstoken"]; //response["accesstoken"];
        response = RawRequest(baseURL+"global/listAvailableFunctions.json", new string[]{accessToken});
        functions = JSONObj;//json_decode(response["response"], true);
        foreach (var section in functions) {
            foreach (var functionArray in section) {
                foreach (var functionName in functionArray) {
                    this.functions[functionName] = new List<string>{methodName, sectionName};

        //_Default api = new _Default();

        string call = "listFolders";

        response = Request(call);
        string folders = json_decode(response["response"], true);
        //Dump(call, folders);

        string[] parameters = new string[]{"New event created by etouches API","eHome","eMobile","eSelect","eReg","eBooth","eConnect","eSocial","eSeating"};
        if (count(folders)) {
            parameters["folder"] = folders[0]["folderid"];

        string itemID = xml.GetElementsByTagName("itemID")(0).InnerText;

        response = Request(call, parameters);
        string newEvent = new SimpleXMLElement(response["response"]);
        //Dump(call, newEvent);

        response = Request(call = "listEvents");
        string events = json_decode(response["response"], true);
        //Dump(call, events);

        response = Request(call = "listSpeakers", new string[]{events[0]["eventid"]});
        string speakers = new SimpleXMLElement(response["response"]);
        //Dump(call, speakers);

        response = Request(call = "getEvent", new string[]{events[0]["eventid"]});
        string eventt = new SimpleXMLElement(response["response"]);
        //Dump(call, eventt);

        response = Request(call = "cloneEvent", new string[]{events[0]["eventid"],"Event cloned via etouches API"});
        string clonedEvent = new SimpleXMLElement(response["response"]);
        //Dump(call, clonedEvent);


    public void SetFormat(string format)
        string[] validFormats = new string[]{"xml","json"};
        if (!validFormats.Contains(format)) {
            string message = __CLASS__+": Invalid format: " + format + " Not one of the following:";
            foreach (var value in validFormats) { 
                message = " "+value;
            throw new Exception(message);
        this.format = format;

    public static string Request(string request, string[] parameters)
        parameters["accesstoken"] = accessToken;
        if (! array_key_exists(request, functions)) {
            return new string[]{
                "Unknown function: request",
        string[] function = functions[request];
        string url = baseURL.function["section"]+"/"+request+"+"+this.format;
        return RawRequest(url, parameters, function["method"]);

    public static string RawRequest(string url, string[] parameters)
        string[] result;
        string method = "get";
        string response = "Unable to use etouches API, please enable cURL functionality (http://php.net/curl) for your server and try again";
        string info = "";
        string errors = "";
        method = method.ToLower();

        //string ch = curl_init();
        HttpWebRequest ch = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(this.Request.Url.Scheme);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, method);
        string paramString = http_build_query(parameters);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_URL, url . (!empty(paramString)?"?"+paramString:""));
        if (method == "post") {
            foreach (var value in parameters) {
                if (is_array(value)) {
                    value = http_build_query(value);
            curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, parameters);
        } else if (method == "put") {
            curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, new string[]{"Content-Length: " , paramString.Length});
            curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, paramString);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
        curl_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

        response = curl_exec(ch);
        info = curl_getinfo(ch);
        errors = curl_error(ch);


        result = new string[]{response,info,errors};

        return result;

    //private void Dump(string h1, string var)
    //    Response.Write("<h1>" + h1 + "</h1>");
    //    var_dump(var);

I've created a new Question and Answer called " How to Convert PHP to .NET For Beginners ". It's the result of all my research into the topic and explains what worked for me. I hope that it will help you find a fast and simple resolution.

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