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Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : when returning JSON

I've got some jQuery that is successful in hitting an endpoint, here's my code

    dataType: "json",
    type: "GET",
    url: "https://url.that-works.com/env/Development/GetDevs/",
    username: "username",
    password: "password",
    data: "callback=?"
.done(function (data) {

The code returns the following JSON response - which I can see in Chrome Developer Tools:

"developments": [
        "name": "h2010 Ph2"
        "name": "The Meadows Ph2"
        "name": "h2010 Ph3"
        "name": "h2010 Ph4"
        "name": "The Meadows Ph3"

I've checked that this is valid JSON being returned, but I keep getting an error message: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

I'm not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong here or why I'm getting this message, any guidance would be really appreciated.


In jQuery docs you can find the following:

'Cross-domain json requests are converted to jsonp unless the request includes jsonp: false in its request options.'

So probably you are making a cross domain call and it is converted to jsonp because you have specified dataType: 'json' .

When in JSONP mode, jQuery looks for such kind of response:

"developments": [
        "name": "h2010 Ph2"
        "name": "The Meadows Ph2"
        "name": "h2010 Ph3"
        "name": "h2010 Ph4"
        "name": "The Meadows Ph3"

but not a JSON string, so you are getting an error during the convertion. JSONP expects a javascript, not a string. If you take a look at the jQuery code you can make it more clear for you, but that's in general.

Eventually figured out the answer.

In our case, we were using a middleware appliance that generates the above URL/orchestration the script hits to get the JSON and so on. What we were trying to do was use a JSONP request to get at this info, but the orchestration returns JSON that wasn't wrapped in a function , which is where our problem lies.

Instead, we changed it to a standard JSON get request, which then caused the Access-Control-Allow-Origins error (good link here ). At this point, we added the Access-Control-Allow-Origins setting to the orchestration/server side - then we were able to get the JSON back in a usable format successfully.

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