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Uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token { in JSON

I receive this bug when using method POST. Please help me.

  angular_min.js:114 SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 71
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at wc (angular_min.js:16)
    at cc (angular_min.js:88)
    at angular_min.js:89
    at n (angular_min.js:7)
    at hd (angular_min.js:89)
    at c (angular_min.js:91)
    at angular_min.js:126
    at m.$eval (angular_min.js:141)
    at m.$digest (angular_min.js:138)

My code: var json= {parameter_name:"amount","parameter_value":$scope.it.amount};

         var arr=[];
         var url = API_URL + "cumulative_point_formula";    
         var cmd = "check_formula";
         var jsonFinal = JSON.stringify({json_parameter: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr)),
          company: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.companyTemp)),
          cumulative_point_formula: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.object))});

This log jsonFinal


This is method POST:

              method: 'POST',
              url: url,
              data: $.param({cm: cmd, dt: jsonFinal}),
              headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
            }).success(function (response) {

How to fix this bug?

If you take a closer look to your error it originated from JSON.parse and not $http . I believe this error is being caused by this line

var jsonFinal = JSON.stringify({json_parameter: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr)),
    company: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.companyTemp)),
    cumulative_point_formula: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($scope.object))});

where this chunk of code here is pretty redundant:


stringify > parse would result the same as $scope.companyTemp and so are the others and as the same as this:

  var jsonFinal = JSON.stringify({
      json_parameter: arr,
      company: $scope.companyTemp,
      cumulative_point_formula: $scope.object

JSON.parse converts JSON string to a valid JavaScript object

JSON.stringify converts JavaScript object to string

If it still produces an error I believe one of these three arr , $scope.companyTemp , $scope.object has an invalid value.

Hope that helps

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