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Why doesn't the rethrown exception work as expected?

My sample code:

using namespace std;

class Parent{ 
            virtual void who()
                cout<<"I am parent"<<endl;
class Child: public Parent 
        void who()
            cout<<"I am child"<<endl;

int main()
            Child C;
            Parent &P=C;
            throw P;
        catch(Parent &P)
            throw;//here it just propagates the Child exception
    catch(Parent &P)
            P.who();//parent who is getting executed


I was going through Scott Meyers More Effective C++, Item 12. So when I rethrow it should propagate the Child exception. But the outer catch P.who() gives the parent who() . And when I change the outer catch to Child type(not mentioned in the program) it terminates the process. Where is my understanding wrong?

What Scott Meyers says(with my edits)

class Widget{...};
class Special Widget: public Widget { ... };
void passAndThrowWidget()
   SpecialWidget localSpecialWidget;
   Widget& rw = localSpecialWidget;
   throw rw; //this throws an exception of type Widget!


catch(Widget &w)   //catch Widget exceptions
  throw;     //rethrow the exception so it continues to propagate.

If the exception originally thrown was of type Special Widget , the catch block would propagate a Special Widget exception , even though w 's static type is Widget. This is because no copy is make when the exception is rethrown.

 throw rw; //this throws an exception of type Widget! 

This does not throw a SpecialWidget . It only throws a Widget .

throw; never changes the type of the thrown object. If the original object was a Child , it will still be a child after throw; .

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