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how to insert form data into MYSQL using python

i am trying to insert the data entered into the web form into database table,i am passing the data to the function to insert the data,but it was not sucessful below is my code

def addnew_to_database(tid,pid,usid,address,status,phno,email,ord_date,del_date):
    connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='admin_operations', password='raghu',host='',database='tracking_system')
        print tid,pid,usid,address,status,phno,email,ord_date,del_date
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute("insert into track_table (tid,pid,usid,address,status,phno,email,ord_date,del_date) values(tid,pid,usid,address,status,phno,email,ord_date,del_date)")
        cursor.execute("insert into user_table (tid,usid) values(tid,usid)")

you need to commit your statements:


and you need to add data to your insert statement:

cursor.execute('''insert into user_table (tid, usid) 
                  values ({}, {})'''.format(tid, usid))

(not tested)


i made a baby-example (and tested it):

database setup:

$ mysql -u root
mysql> CREATE USER 'test_user' IDENTIFIED BY 'test_pass';
mysql> CREATE DATABASE test_db;
mysql> CREATE TABLE test_db.test_table (number INTEGER(16), string CHAR(16));
mysql> GRANT INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE ON test_db.* TO 'test_user'@'%';

# test:
$ mysql -u test_user -D test_db -p

then this python code inserts data (very basic version; no exception handling, no transaction handling):

import mysql.connector as my

connection = my.connect(user='test_user', password='test_pass',
                        host='', database='test_db')

cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO test_table(number, string) VALUES({}, '{}')
               '''.format(43, 'hello world'))

cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM test_table")

note the quotes around '{}' where .format enters a string value.

this uses the following versions:

python3                 3.4.0-0ubuntu2
python3-mysql.connector 1.1.6-1
mysql                   5.5.44-0ubuntu0.14.04.1

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