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How to check object belong to class or struct in swift

I got stuck by the question in swift. Suppose I have one object, how to check whether it is from struct or class in swift.

In Swift 3.0, you can call Mirror(reflecting:x).displayStyle where x is your value of interest. The result will be class , struct , enum , dictionary , set ... see the documentation https://developer.apple.com/reference/swift/mirror.displaystyle

Code sample:

struct SomeStruct {
     var name: String
     init(name: String) {
          self.name = name
var astruct = SomeStruct(name:"myname") 
Mirror(reflecting:astruct).displayStyle == .struct // will be true
Mirror(reflecting:astruct).displayStyle == .class; // will be false

class MyClass {
      var name:String
      init(name: String) {
var aclass = MyClass(name:"fsdfd")   
Mirror(reflecting:aclass).displayStyle == .struct // will be false
Mirror(reflecting:aclass).displayStyle == .class // will be true

Of course, it would be best handled using a switch-case statement in practice.

This approach has been working for me in Swift 3:

class TestClass { }
struct TestStruct { }

var mystery:Any

mystery = TestClass()
// Is mystery instance a class type?
print(type(of:mystery) is AnyClass ? "YES" : "NO") // prints: "YES"

mystery = TestStruct()
// Is mystery instance a class type?
print(type(of:mystery) is AnyClass ? "YES" : "NO") // prints: "NO"

Note that this approach tells you only if an instance is a class type or not. The fact that it's not a class doesn't necessarily mean it's a struct (could be an enum, closure, tuple, etc.) But for most purposes and contexts this is enough to know if you are dealing with a reference type or a value type, which is usually what is needed.

There is is operator.

if someInstance is SomeType {
    // do something

And there is as? operator.

if let someInstance = someInstance as? SomeType {
    // now someInstance is SomeType

In swift4, checking class or struct

class TClass {}
struct TStruct {}

func who(_ any: Any) -> String {
    if Mirror(reflecting: any).displayStyle == .class {
        return "Class"
    } else {
        return "Struct"

print(who("Hello")) // Struct
print(who(TClass())) // Class
print(who(TStruct())) // Struct
print(who(1)) // Struct

You can do this by below given way and for more information on this please follow this link .

class Shape {
    class func className() -> String {
        return "Shape"

class Square: Shape {
    override class func className() -> String {
        return "Square"

class Circle: Shape {
    override class func className() -> String {
        return "Circle"

func getShape() -> Shape {
    return Square() // hardcoded for example

let newShape: Shape = getShape()
newShape is Square // true
newShape is Circle // false
newShape.dynamicType.className() // "Square"
newShape.dynamicType.className() == Square.className()

A simple example for this:

  var name = "Big Hero"
        if name.isKindOfClass(NSString){

            println("this is this class")


            println("this is not this class")

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