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One-line converting Enum to Int array in C#

In trying to convert an enumeration into an int[] of its values, I initially came up with the long-winded:

.Cast<Isolations.Enumerations.TypeSelectionScope>().Select(t => (int)t).ToArray()

It works, but.. well, it ain't pretty.

I did some searching, and found people using ConvertAll() for this purpose, over multiple lines. So I tried it inline.

Array.ConvertAll(Enum.GetValues(typeof(Isolations.Enumerations.TypeSelectionScope)), value => (int)value)

This generates a type error, and adding some casting within is going to make it as messy as the first attempt.

I also tried a direct cast to an int[] to no avail:


Adding a ToArray() onto this fails also.

So, what's a single-line solution to this that isn't messy?

Enumerable.Cast<T> iterates through a collection and casts each item to T

You're trying to cast each instance to int[] - you want to cast them to int instead:


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