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Sql in postgres: select every row in one table that is related to other and other

Hi i'm new at postgresql .

i have this database:


Actually, I have a table "borda" that relates to the table "gateway" this table "gateway" relates to the table "equipamento" and this table relates to the table "sensor".

The question is: I have the "borda_id" from Borda table. Now i want every sensor_id relationed to this "borda_id".

How should I write the sql?


The Publicacao Table is the easiest way to associate the Sensor table with the Borda table. The image describes that Publicacao should exist with both a sensor and a borda associated.

You can capture all the rows that exists in both tables (Publicacao and Sensor) with INNER JOIN:

 SELECT Sensor.nome
FROM Sensor
INNER JOIN Publicacao ON Sensor_id = Publicacao.sensor_id

Now you have all the Sensors that is associated with a Publicacao.

In order to achieve what you want, we need to filter the result to get "All the Sensors that is associated with a Publicacao that has a borda_id equals X"

SELECT Sensor.nome
FROM Sensor
INNER JOIN Publicacao ON Sensor_id = Publicacao.sensor_id
WHERE Publicacao.borda_id = X

X being the borda_id that you want to reference in Borda table

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