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Replace xml tag contents using python

I have a xml file with some data.


so the location information are wrong in the xml file, I have to replace it.

I have constructed the location information with corrected vales in python.

variable = '''
    <Location isupdated=1>

So, the location tag should be replaced with the new information. Is there any simple way to update this in python.

I want the final result data like,

<Location isupdated=1>

Any thoughts ??


UPDATE - XML PARSER IMPLEMENTATION : since replace a specific <Location> tag require to modify the regex i'm providing a more general and safer alternative implementation based upon ElementTree parser (as stated above by @stribizhev and @Saket Mittal).

I've to add a root element <Emps> (to make a valid xml doc, requiring root element), i've also chosen to filter the location to edit by the <city> tag (but may be everyfield):

# Alternative Implementation with ElementTree XML Parser

xml = '''\

from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
# tree = ET.parse('input.xml')  # decomment to parse xml from file
tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml))
root = tree.getroot()

for location in root.iter('Location'):
    if location.find('city').text == 'Torino':
        location.set("isupdated", "1")
        location.find('city').text = 'MyCity'
        location.find('geocode').text = '10.12'
        location.find('state').text = 'MyState'

print ET.tostring(root, encoding='utf8', method='xml')
# tree.write('output.xml') # decomment if you want to write to file

Online runnable version of the code here


This is a possible implementation using the lazy modifier .*? and dot all (?s) :


import re

xml = '''\

locUpdate = '''\
    <Location isupdated=1>

output = re.sub(r"(?s)<Location>.*?</Location>", r"%s" % locUpdate, xml)

print output

You can test the code online here

Caveat : if there are more than one <Location> tag in the xml input the regex replace them all with locUpdate . You have to use:

# (note the last ``1`` at the end to limit the substitution only to the first occurrence)
output = re.sub(r"(?s)<Location>.*?</Location>", r"%s" % locUpdate, xml, 1)

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