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How to generate Callable Wrapper(automatically) Xamarin Mono

I'm using an native lib for android via Java Bindings Library Project. All goes fine,except one method (and i don't understand why,maybe he's incorrect ported from java to C#).

So the main idea,to make an workaround via Callable Wrapper .
I have implemented Android project in native mode. In this project i also implemented java class(where i'm using this unlucky method) and what i need,just to know how to generate automatically Wrapper and how to add/use into my Mono project?

Or can i make an .jar lib on this native Android project and via bindings library add to my Xamarin.Android project?

PS Sorry for my eng.

Possible solution is to add new java class to OpenCV project. That class should contain methods you want to use ( eg to wrap FindContours()). Rebuild project and resulting JAR use in binding project in MonoDevelop/VS solution.

That way you'll call wrapped FindContours() method and it will return expected results :) .

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