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Projected grid water horizon detail

I'm trying to implement an ocean scene with C++ and DirectX11. Currently I have a projected grid, Gerstner waves and a basic shading. My problem is that when I aim my camera horizontally, so I can see the water horizon, in the distance, the projected grid becomes insufficient, even at high vertex numbers. These screenshots illustrate the problem:



I know the cause of the problem is in the concept of the projected grid (the grid is detailed near the camera, rough far from it), but there has to be a best practice to solve this.

Any ideas?

Benedikt Bitterli and joojaa answered my question here: https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/questions/1681/projected-grid-water-horizon-detail

I chose the laziest solution for now. I calculate an attenuation factor from the distance from the camera in the vertex shader, and I gradually flatten the waves in the distance.

The function:

float CalculateWaveAttenuation(float d, float dmin, float dmax)
    // Quadratic curve that is 1 at dmin and 0 at dmax
    // Constant 1 for less than dmin, constant 0 for more than dmax
    if (d > dmax) return 0.f;
        return saturate((1.f / ((dmin-dmax)*(dmin-dmax))) * ((d-dmax) * (d-dmax)));

Here are the results:

阴影 线框


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