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Python scan for network IP addresses and macs

ip a output screenshot I am trying to create a script that scans a LAN and obtains the ip address and mac address of all the machines using Python. The script below does this, however it prints the list twice? How could this be achieved, or how could the script below be changed to print the list once(as a dictionary where the ip address is the key and the mac is the value)?

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import logging
import scapy.config
import scapy.layers.l2
import scapy.route
import socket
import math
import errno

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', level=logging.DEBUG)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def long2net(arg):
    if (arg <= 0 or arg >= 0xFFFFFFFF):
        raise ValueError("illegal netmask value", hex(arg))
    return 32 - int(round(math.log(0xFFFFFFFF - arg, 2)))

def to_CIDR_notation(bytes_network, bytes_netmask):
    network = scapy.utils.ltoa(bytes_network)
    netmask = long2net(bytes_netmask)
    net = "%s/%s" % (network, netmask)
    if netmask < 16:
        logger.warn("%s is too big. skipping" % net)
        return None

    return net

def scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface, timeout=1):
    logger.info("arping %s on %s" % (net, interface))
        ans, unans = scapy.layers.l2.arping(net, iface=interface, timeout=timeout, verbose=True)
        for s, r in ans.res:
            line = r.sprintf("%Ether.src%  %ARP.psrc%")
                hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(r.psrc)
                line += " " + hostname[0]
            except socket.herror:
                # failed to resolve
    except socket.error as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EPERM:     # Operation not permitted
            logger.error("%s. Did you run as root?", e.strerror)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for network, netmask, _, interface, address in scapy.config.conf.route.routes:

        # skip loopback network and default gw
        if network == 0 or interface == 'lo' or address == '' or address == '':

        if netmask <= 0 or netmask == 0xFFFFFFFF:

        net = to_CIDR_notation(network, netmask)

        if interface != scapy.config.conf.iface:
            # see http://trac.secdev.org/scapy/ticket/537
            logger.warn("skipping %s because scapy currently doesn't support arping on non-primary network interfaces", net)

        if net:
            scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface) 

Have you tried setting verbose to False ?

ans, unans = scapy.layers.l2.arping(net, iface=interface, timeout=timeout, verbose=False)

In addition to setting verbose=False in your scapy.layers.l2.arping( , import the conf module:

from scapy.all import conf

And add conf.verb=0 just below your if __name__ == "__main__": line:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for network, netmask, _, interface, address in scapy.config.conf.route.routes:

        # skip loopback network and default gw
        if network == 0 or interface == 'lo' or address == '' or address == '':

EDIT: I think your script is looping once for each "route" defined in your /proc/net/route that hasn't already been explicitly filtered out (ie the lines above your continue commands.) My guess is that if you where to execute route -n you'll probably find 2 routes in there that somehow have the same Network and Interface values but something else is differing like Netmask or Gateway.

Anyways, the hackish way to get pass this is to add a break after your call to scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface) to exit the for-loop.

For example:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for network, netmask, _, interface, address in scapy.config.conf.route.routes:

        # skip loopback network and default gw
        if network == 0 or interface == 'lo' or address == '' or address == '':

        if netmask <= 0 or netmask == 0xFFFFFFFF:

        net = to_CIDR_notation(network, netmask)

        if interface != scapy.config.conf.iface:
            # see http://trac.secdev.org/scapy/ticket/537
            logger.warn("skipping %s because scapy currently doesn't support arping on non-primary network interfaces", net)

        if net:
            scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface)

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