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Validate currency format in C#

I would like to validate whether a string satisfy the following currency format with maximum 4 decimal places and could allow comma , regardless of culture and the comma could be at places of standard practice .


200 (valid)  

How could it be done?

You can do Regex match for your purpose.

The Regex below works for your specific examples. But, it'll accept comma , at random places. Demo here.


A better Regex would be the following. Check the demo . Base Regex taken from this post.



To answer comment - above Regex allows 0090 . Try this one. Demo here .


Update 2

C# usage

var currencyString = "1,234,456.7890";
var regex = @"^((([1-9]\d{0,2},(\d{3},)*\d{3}|[1-9]\d*)(.\d{1,4})?)|(0\.\d{1,4}))$";
var isValidCurency = Regex.IsMatch(currencyString, regex);

Update 3

As per OP, comma , is allowed at any place. Updated Regex with demo here .


Update 4

Use this one. Demo HERE .


Well, this :)


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