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how to install web application from a .msi file , created using wix?

I created a small web application in c# and wanted to create a installer for the web app and started so, using wix and i come up with the .msi file(installer) with a .wixpdb file. Now, when i click on the .msi setup file ,installation is getting started and ending up with noting.

steps i followed is,

  1. create web application.
  2. build and publish.
  3. harvest the publish folder and thats creates me a .wxs file.
  4. create a setup project in the same solution of my web app.
  5. add .wxs from step3 to the setup project.
  6. build the setup project it create a .msi(installer) and .wixpdb file.

My Doubt here is that, how can i run the installer that will create a service/web application and installed locally.

答案很简单,当然我们只需要双击安装程序,但是在此之前,我们需要在FileName.wxs文件中添加<UIRef Id="MyWebUI" />并在.wxs文件中定义一些UI对话框,在http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/115036/Creating-WIX-Installer-for-ASP-NET-Web-Application中可以更清楚地说明。

Unfortunately WIX harvesting will not create a web application/web site for you automagically, when you harvest a "published" application. It will just produce the code to copy files. In WIX, you have to add this functionality yourself. In comparison with VS installer for example, you've got much more to do, and the rabbit's hole appears to be much deeper.. Take a look here for example:



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