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Generate Ruby Classes from XSD

Is there a way to generate Ruby classes (maybe even ActiveResource classes) from an XSD so that they contain a way to serialize the classes to xml valid for the initial XSD?

I know that soap4r has xsd2ruby but it appears that the generated ruby classes cannot be easily serialized to xml.

Shameless self promotion (hope this is okay on stackoverflow) but I'm working on an open source project to do just that

Its still a work in progress (feel free to send patches) but the ultimate goal is to convert XSD to/from Ruby classes (which it does now) and convert XML conforming to that XSD to/from instances of those classes.

Though this was asked a while ago, I came across a solution and thought it might help folks in the future.

My need was similar. I have a .xsd from a colleague and would like to generate a class file from it. My hope is that I'll be able to easily marshall the object and pass it to his RESTful end-point, where his Java server will unmarshall the payload and dynamically build the object on his side with no additional effort.

The solution I found was to get the soap4r from https://github.com/rubyjedi/soap4r . I made the two *.rb files in the bin directory executable and then ran:

bin/xsd2ruby.rb --xsd <source>.xsd --classdef <filename_prefix>

This generated a new file with each of the xsd:complexType implemented as a class. All other complex type were also generated with the correct inheritance relationships and all xsd:element was defined as an instance variable and a class initializer also defined.

Running xsd2ruby.rb by itself yielded the options:

Usage: bin/xsd2ruby.rb --xsd xsd_location [options]
  xsd_location: filename or URL

  bin/xsd2ruby.rb --xsd myapp.xsd --classdef foo

  --xsd xsd_location
  --classdef [filenameprefix]
  --module_path [Module::Path::Name]

For the sake of completeness, I extended my class with the following (this is a "Prospect" class):

class Prospect
  include Enumerable
  def each(&block)
    self.instance_variables.collect{|v| (v.gsub /@/, '').to_sym }.each(&block)

This let me use it as the body of an Net::HTTP::Post request.

To the question of a free to_xml : I haven't found it. The ruby Object comes with a to_yaml and to_json out of the box, but I've not found any simple conversion to XML. So it came down to a roll my own "to_xml".

Hope this helps.

It appears that this might work.

require 'xsd/mapping' XSD::Mapping.obj2xml(xsdBasedObject)

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