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Find exact item of list in a string

I have a problem of false negative during a loop in python.

That's my list:

l = ['modello', 'modello1', 'modello_old', 'new_modello']

and that's a string:

db = '/home/user/modello1.sqlite'

What I want to do is to filter the db string and to output the element of the list that appear in the string.

So the result should be only modello1 .

This is my loop:

for i in l:
    if i in db:
        print i

but the result is not what I would like to obtain:


how can I match the exact word?

EDIT : the problem could be that db is OS dependent so / could be transformed in \\ .

EDIT2 : with @Karoly-Horvath solution:

transform the db in a list:

db = [os.path.basename(db).replace('.sqlite', '')]

loop the element of db in the whole list:

for i in db:
    if i in l:
        print i

Use a regular expression or string functions to extract the relevant part:

m = os.path.basename(db).replace('.sqlite', '')  # 'modello1'

or (this was the original answer, only works for unix paths)

m = db.split('/')[-1].replace('.sqlite', '')     # 'modello1'

Now you can check for an exact match:

m in l   # True

If you want to check against the filename without the extension, use os.path.basename and os.path.splitext :

>>> from os import path
>>> s = '/home/user/modello1.sqlite'

>>> path.basename(s)
>>> 'modello1.sqlite'

>>> path.splitext(path.basename(s))
('modello1', '.sqlite')

>>> filename = path.splitext(path.basename(s))[0]
>>> filename

Using the filename:

>>> possibles = ['modello', 'modello1', 'modello_old', 'new_modello']
>>> for possible in possibles:
...     if possible in filename:
...         print possible, 'in', filename
modello in modello1
modello1 in modello1

If you just want to check whether any of the possibilities match:

>>> if any(possible in filename for possible in possibles):
...     print filename

I think I understand now that OP would want an exact match:

>>> if filename in possibles:
...     print filename

This won't match modello .

import os
db_basename = os.path.basename(db)
db_basename = os.path.splitext(db_basename)[0] # remove extension

use os to get file name

How about this

for i in l:
    if '/'+i+'.' in db:
        print i

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