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Removing Characters from python Output

I did alot of work to remove the characters from the spark python output like uu' u" [()/'" which are creating problem for me to do the further work. So please put a focus on the same .

I have the input like,

(u"(u'[25145,   12345678'", 0.0)
(u"(u'[25146,   25487963'", 43.0) when i applied code to summing out the result. this gives me the output like
(u'(u"(u\'[54879,    5125478\'"', 0.0)
(u"(u'[25145,   25145879'", 11.0)
(u'(u"(u\'[56897,    22548793\'"', 0.0) so i want to remove all the character like (u'(u"(u\'["'') 

I want output like



the code is i tried is

from pyspark import SparkContext
import os
import sys

sc = SparkContext("local", "aggregate")

file1 = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/data/first/part-00000")
file2 = sc.textFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/data/second/part-00000")

file3 = file1.union(file2).coalesce(1).map(lambda line: line.split(','))

result = file3.map(lambda x: ((x[0]+', '+x[1],float(x[2][:-1])))).reduceByKey(lambda a,b:a+b).coalesce(1)



result.map(lambda x:x[0]+','+str(x[1])).saveAsTextFile("hdfs://localhost:9000/Test1")

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