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Python moving average on web data

Relatively new to python so apologies if I ask a stupid question.

I just want to check if this is possible and if it is how complex.

I would like to calculate the moving average from share data on this web page


You can use this sample code.

import urllib
from BeautifulSoup import *

url = raw_input('Enter - ')
html = urllib.urlopen(url).read()

soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# Retrieve all of the anchor tags
tags = soup('span')
for tag in tags:
   # Look at the parts of a tag
   #calculate whatever you wanto

Try it:

from urllib import request
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

url = "https://uk.finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?a=&b=&c=&d=11&e=16&f=2015&g=d&s=LLOY.L%2C+&ql=1"
html_contents = request.urlopen(url).read()

page = BeautifulSoup(html_contents, "html.parser")
el_list = page.find_all("span", {"id": "yfs_p43_lloy.l"})

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