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Insert integer into char-array

I have the following char array:

char* a = new char[6]{0};

Which in binary is:

00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

I also have an integer:

int i = 123984343;

Which in binary is:

00000111 01100011 11011001 11010111

I would like to insert this 4-byte-integer i into the char array a from position [1] to position [4] so that the original array a becomes:

00000000 00000111 01100011 11011001 11010111 00000000

What is the quickest and easiest method to do that?

Use the copy algorithm and a cast to char to access the underlying byte sequence:

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>

std::uint32_t n = 123984343;
char * a = new char[6]{};

    const char * p = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&n);
    std::copy(p, p + sizeof n, a + 1);

In this case I am assuming that you are guaranteeing me that the bytes of the integer are in fact what you claim. This is platform-dependent, and integers may in general be laid out differently. Perhaps an algebraic operation would be more appropriate. You still need to consider the number of bits in a char ; the following code works if uint8_t is supported:

std::uint8_t * p = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t *>(a);
p[1] = n / 0x1000000;
p[2] = n / 0x0010000;
p[3] = n / 0x0000100;
p[4] = n / 0x0000001;

You can solve the problem as asked with

    memcpy( &a[1], &i, sizeof(i) );

but I bet dollars to doughnuts that this is not the best way of solving your problem.

    for (size_t ix = 0; ix < 4; ix++)
        a[1+ix] = (static_cast<unsigned int>(i) >> (8*ix)) & 0xff;

Is a safe way of serializing an int which fits into four bytes into a character array. Neither this end, nor the other end, have to make non-portable assumptions.

I'm not convinced that even this is the best way of solving your actual problem (but it hard to tell without more information).

If int is of 4 bytes, then copy the int to address of 2nd position in the char array.

int i = 123984343;  
char* a = new char[6]{0};   
memcpy(a+1, &i, sizeof(i));

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