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Replace keys of a nested dictionary with the value of another dictionary(where keys of two dict are equal)), value for a key may be list of dicts

I have two dict, dict1 and dict2, I want to construct new dict(or manipulate dict1) with key-value pairs as(value of dict2:value of dict1 [where key of dict one and key of dict2 are same]) , value of a key may be list of dicts(as you will see in input example)


dict1 = {"key1":{"key3":"value1","key2":"value2","key4":{"key5":"value3","key6":{"key7":"value4","key8":{"key9":"value5","key10":"value6","key55":"value7"}},"key11":{"key12":"value8","key13":"value9"},"key14":[{"key15":"value10","key16":"value11","key17":"value12"},{"key15":"value13","key16":"value14","key17":"value15"}]}}}

dict2 = {"key1":"ab","key2":"bc","key3":"cd","key4":"de","key5":"ef","key6":"fg","key7":"gh","key8":"hi","key9":"ij","key10":"jk","key55":"kl","key11":"lm","key12":"mn","key13":"no","key14":"op","key15":"pq","key16":"qr","key17":"qs"}

My function is

def walk(dict1, dict2):
    output = {}
    for key, value in dict1.iteritems():

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            output[dict2[key]] = walk(value, dict2)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            output[dict2[key]] = walk_list(value, dict2)
            output[dict2[key]] = value
    return output

def walk_list(sublist, dict2):
    output = []
    for i in sublist:

        if isinstance(i, dict):
            output = walk(i, dict2)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            output = walk_list(i, dict2)
            output.append((key, value))
    return output

output = walk(dict1, dict2)
output = json.dumps(output)
print output


 {"ab": {"de": {"lm": {"mn": "value8", "no": "value9"}, "ef": "value3", "fg": {"hi": {"ij": "value5", "jk": "value6", "kl": "value7"}, "gh": "value4"}, "op": {"pq": "value13", "qs": "value15", "qr": "value14"}}, "bc": "value2", "cd": "value1"}}



Please fix my code.

Very simple solution that performs the recursive step very early and as such has a very simple logic:

def translateKeys (obj, keyNames):
    if isinstance(obj, dict):
        return {keyNames.get(k, k): translateKeys(v, keyNames) for k, v in obj.items()}
    elif isinstance(obj, list):
        return [translateKeys(v, keyNames) for v in obj]
        return obj

Instead of expecting a certain type, it just accepts anything (dictionary, list, or whatever) and works on the items of it, calling itself for every value. This avoids having to iterate through obj itself and check the value of each item within the loop.

Used on your example data:

>>> dict1 = {"key1":{"key3":"value1","key2":"value2","key4":{"key5":"value3","key6":{"key7":"value4","key8":{"key9":"value5","key10":"value6","key55":"value7"}},"key11":{"key12":"value8","key13":"value9"},"key14":[{"key15":"value10","key16":"value11","key17":"value12"},{"key15":"value13","key16":"value14","key17":"value15"}]}}}
>>> dict2 = {"key1":"ab","key2":"bc","key3":"cd","key4":"de","key5":"ef","key6":"fg","key7":"gh","key8":"hi","key9":"ij","key10":"jk","key55":"kl","key11":"lm","key12":"mn","key13":"no","key14":"op","key15":"pq","key16":"qr","key17":"qs"}
>>> expected =  {"ab":{"cd":"value1","bc":"value2","de":{"ef":"value3","fg":{"gh":"value4","hi":{"ij":"value5","jk":"value6","kl":"value7"}},"lm":{"mn":"value8","no":"value9"},"op":[{"pq":"value10","qr":"value11","qs":"value12"},{"pq":"value13","qr":"value14","qs":"value15"}]}}}
>>> result = translateKeys(dict1, dict2)
>>> result
{'ab': {'de': {'fg': {'gh': 'value4', 'hi': {'ij': 'value5', 'jk': 'value6', 'kl': 'value7'}}, 'op': [{'qr': 'value11', 'pq': 'value10', 'qs': 'value12'}, {'qr': 'value14', 'pq': 'value13', 'qs': 'value15'}], 'ef': 'value3', 'lm': {'no': 'value9', 'mn': 'value8'}}, 'cd': 'value1', 'bc': 'value2'}}
>>> result == expected

If you want to invert this translation, you can just invert keyNames and perform the translation on the result instead:

>>> result = translateKeys(dict1, dict2)
>>> invertedKeyNames = {v: k for k, v in dict2.items()}
>>> original = translateKeys(result, invertedKeyNames)
>>> original == dict1

I think this solves the riddle using one function only

def walk(dict1, dict2):
    res = dict()
    for k,v in dict1.items():
        if isinstance(v,list):
            newv = [walk(x, dict2) for x in v]
        elif isinstance(v,dict):
            newv = walk(v, dict2)
            newv = v
        res[dict2.get(k, k)] = newv # keep the same key if not present in dict2
    return res

expected = {"ab":{"cd":"value1","bc":"value2","de":{"ef":"value3","fg":{"gh":"value4","hi":{"ij":"value5","jk":"value6","kl":"value7"}},"lm":{"mn":"value8","no":"value9"},"op":[{"pq":"value10","qr":"value11","qs":"value12"},{"pq":"value13","qr":"value14","qs":"value15"}]}}}

output = walk(dict1, dict2)
print(output == expected)

as it produces

{'ab': {'de': {'lm': {'no': 'value9', 'mn': 'value8'}, 'ef': 'value3', 'fg': {'hi': {'ij': 'value5', 'kl': 'value7', 'jk': 'value6'}, 'gh': 'value4'}, 'op': [{'qr': 'value11', 'qs': 'value12', 'pq': 'value10'}, {'qr': 'value14', 'qs': 'value15', 'pq': 'value13'}]}, 'cd': 'value1', 'bc': 'value2'}}

Basically it examines every value in the dictionary:

  • if it is a list of values, it applies itself to every item in the list
  • if it is a dictionary it applies itself to it
  • if it is a literal value then it uses it


in case the input dictionaries are not only dictionaries after all, but can be any acceptable json element (eg list, dict, value) that can become more generalised

def walk(obj, keys):
    if isinstance(obj,list):
        return [walk(x, keys) for x in obj]
    elif isinstance(obj,dict):
        return {keys.get(k, k): walk(v, keys) for k,v in obj.items()}
        return obj

which is exactly what @Poke had answered from the beginning, kudos to him.


in case you want to revert back to the original dictionary dict1 , provided the values are all disjoint (ie the dict2 mapping is a bijective function ), you can do

back2dict1 = walk(output, {v:k for k,v in dict2.items()})
print(back2dict1 == dict1)

which produces

{'key1': {'key3': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2', 'key4': {'key5': 'value3', 'key11': {'key12': 'value8', 'key13': 'value9'}, 'key14': [{'key15': 'value10', 'key16': 'value11', 'key17': 'value12'}, {'key15': 'value13', 'key16': 'value14', 'key17': 'value15'}], 'key6': {'key7': 'value4', 'key8': {'key10': 'value6', 'key55': 'value7', 'key9': 'value5'}}}}}

I think it is to do with your walk_list function with the output variable being assigned rather than appended to. This is my version:

dict1 = {"key1":{"key3":"value1","key2":"value2","key4":{"key5":"value3","key6":{"key7":"value4","key8":{"key9":"value5","key10":"value6","key55":"value7"}},"key11":{"key12":"value8","key13":"value9"},"key14":[{"key15":"value10","key16":"value11","key17":"value12"},{"key15":"value13","key16":"value14","key17":"value15"}]}}}
dict2 = {"key1":"ab","key2":"bc","key3":"cd","key4":"de","key5":"ef","key6":"fg","key7":"gh","key8":"hi","key9":"ij","key10":"jk","key55":"kl","key11":"lm","key12":"mn","key13":"no","key14":"op","key15":"pq","key16":"qr","key17":"qs"}

def walk(dict1, dict2):
    output = {}
    for key, value in dict1.iteritems():

        if isinstance(value, dict):
            outVal = walk(value, dict2)
        elif isinstance(value, list):
            outVal = walk_list(value, dict2)
            outVal = value
        output[dict2[key]] = outVal

    return output

def walk_list(sublist, dict2):
    output = []
    for i in sublist:
        if isinstance(i, dict):
            outVal = walk(i, dict2)
        elif isinstance(i, list):
            outVal = walk_list(i, dict2)
            outVal = i

    return output            

mine = walk(dict1, dict2)
expecting = {"ab":{"cd":"value1","bc":"value2","de":{"ef":"value3","fg":{"gh":"value4","hi":{"ij":"value5","jk":"value6","kl":"value7"}},"lm":{"mn":"value8","no":"value9"},"op":[{"pq":"value10","qr":"value11","qs":"value12"},{"pq":"value13","qr":"value14","qs":"value15"}]}}}

print mine == expecting

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