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Print to console/command prompt

I want to write text to console/Windows command prompt in AutoIt. I made a test script as shown below:

Func Test()


I saved the script as test.au3 . When I run it, it does not print to console. I checked ConsoleWrite() ; it should print to DOS console if it the script is compiled as a console application.

I compiled the script using Aut2Exe. It still does not print to console. How do I write to console in AutoIt?


#pragma compile(Console, True) 

Just compile your test.au3 like this:

%PathToAutoItVersion%\Aut2Exe\Aut2exe.exe /in test.au3 /out test.exe /console

And then you can Run test.exe and it will print out:


How do I write to console in AutoIt?

As per Documentation - Function Reference - ConsoleWrite() :

The purpose for this function is to write to the STDOUT stream. … Scripts compiled as Console applications also have a STDOUT stream.

Save script as .au3 file, then:

  • press F5 (Tools > Go) in editor. Console output will be displayed in the editor's lower pane:


  • or press Ctrl + F7 (Tools > Compile), enable Create CUI instead of GUI EXE. , then click Compile Script and run the resulting executable.

  • or add #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=Y ( or #pragma compile(Console, True) ) to top of script , then press F7 (Tools > Build) and run the resulting executable.
  • or execute:
    ...\\AutoIt3\\Aut2Exe\\Aut2exe.exe /in ...\\script.au3 /out ...\\script.exe /console
    and run the resulting executable.

I compiled the script using Aut2Exe. It still does not print to console.

For compiled scripts a console window is visible during runtime only. Example:


Global Enum  $EXITCODE_OK
Global Const $g_sMsg   = 'Hello, World!' & @CRLF
Global Const $g_iDelay = 1000 * 10


Func Main()



Related: Console and graphical user interface .

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