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In a PHP class, how can I make it so that the variables are a specific type?

I have a PHP class, and I would like for it to have it so the variable is only a boolean?

class TestClass {
    private $isTrue;

    public function __construct ( $isTrue) {
        $this -> isTrue = $isTrue;

    public function getIsTrue ($isTrue) {
        return $this -> isTrue;

    public function setIsTrue ($isTrue) {
        $this -> isTrue = $isTrue;

Or is it something that I am required to do in the setter and constructor like this?

class TestClass {
    private $isTrue;

    public function __construct ( $isTrue) {
        $this -> isTrue = (bool)$isTrue;

    public function getIsTrue ($isTrue) {
        return $this -> isTrue;

    public function setIsTrue ($isTrue) {
        $this -> isTrue = (bool)$isTrue;

Yes, in PHP < 7, you have to do this manually, as you have done.

However, in PHP 7, you can use scalar typehinting to accomplish the same purpose:

class TestClass {
    private $isTrue;

    public function __construct(bool $isTrue) {
        $this->isTrue = $isTrue;

    public function getIsTrue() {
        return $this->isTrue;

    public function setIsTrue(bool $isTrue) {
        $this->isTrue = $isTrue;

$tc = new TestClass(true);
var_dump($tc->getIsTrue()); //true

var_dump($tc->getIsTrue()); //false

var_dump($tc->getIsTrue()); //true

You can also enable strict-types mode, and the last case will throw an error:


// ...same code here ...


Will produce:

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to TestClass::setIsTrue() must be of the type boolean, integer given, called in /.../sth.php on line 27 and defined in /.../sth.php:16

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