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How can I use variables set in a PHP class?

In this little example below in PHP what would be a good way to be able to create the variables in the user class and then be able to use them on any page where I create a user object?

//user.class.php file
class User

    function __construct()
        global $session;
        if($session->get('auto_id') != ''){
            //set user vars on every page load
            $MY_userid = $session->get('auto_id'); //user id number
            $MY_name = $session->get('disp_name');
            $MY_pic_url = $session->get('pic_url');
            $MY_gender = $session->get('gender');
            $MY_user_role = $session->get('user_role');
            $MY_lat = $session->get('lat');
            $MY_long = $session->get('long');
            $MY_firstvisit = $session->get('newregister');
            return false;

// index.php file
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/user.class.php';

$user = new User();

//how should I go about making the variables set in the user class available on any page where I initiate the user class?
// I know I can't use 
// echo $MY_pic_url;
// 1 way I can think of is to have the class return an array but is there another way?


Make them public members:

class user
  public $first_name;

function __construct()
$this->first_name = $_SESSION['first_name'];


$user = new user();

echo $user->first_name;

To elaborate on Lance' answer; if the point of the class is to be nothing more than an container for the data, in stead of doing something with the data you're pretty safe. But a good principal of OOP is to stick to encapsulation . Encapsulation means, amongst other things, that you hide the inner details of your object from the outside and only let the outside access the fields through it's interface methods.

Let's say you don't want the fields in the User object to be altered from the outside, but only accessed, then you'ld be better of with something like the following:

class User

    private $_userId;
    // and a bunch of other fields

    public function __construct( $data )
        // do something with the data

    public function getUserId()
        return $this->_userId;
    // and a bunch of other getters to access the data


In all honesty, you could use magic methods like __set and __get to simulate what you want and catch any unwanted altering in the __set method.

Furthermore, I wouldn't use the session as a global variable. You should pass the session object as an argument to it's constructor (like I illustrated in the example). This enforces loose coupling. Because now your User objects are tied to the global session object, but with passing it to the constructor any data could be passed in. This makes the class more flexible.

Here's an example of how you could pass an object (for instance your session object) to the constructor. One thing to keep in mind is that, the way your session object is designed, it still, somewhat, enforces tight coupling, because it mandates getting properties through the get() method.

class User
    public function __construct( $data )
        $this->_id = $data->get( 'id' );
        $this->_firstname = $data->get( 'firstname' );
        // etc

// usage
$session = new YourSessionObject();
$user = new User( $session );

You have a few options at hand to propagate loose coupling, and making you User object a little more flexible.

Mandate that the data for you User object is provided as:

distinct arguments

class User
    protected $_id;
    protected $_firstname;
    // etc;

    public function __construct( $id, $firstname, /* etc */ )
        $this->_id = $id;
        $this->_firstname = $firstname;
        // etc

// usage
$session = new YourSessionObject();
$user = new User( $session->get( 'id' ), $session->get( 'firstname' ), /* etc */ );


class User
    protected $_fields = array(
        'id' => null,
        'firstname' => null,
        // etc

    // dictate (type hint) that the argument should be an array
    public function __construct( array $data )
        foreach( $data as $field => $value )
            if( array_key_exists( $field, $this->_fields )
                $this->_fields[ $field ] = $value;

// usage
$session = new YourSessionObject();
$array = /* fill this array with your session data */; 
$user = new User( $array );

implementing some interface

// objects that implement this interface need to implement the toArray() method
interface Arrayable
    public function toArray();

class User
    protected $_fields = array(
        'id' => null,
        'firstname' => null,
        // etc

    // dictate (type hint) that the argument should implement Arrayable interface
    public function __construct( Arrayable $data )
        // get the data by calling the toArray() method of the $data object
        $data = $data->toArray();
        foreach( $data as $field => $value )
            if( array_key_exists( $field, $this->_fields )
                $this->_fields[ $field ] = $value;

class YourSessionObject implements Arrayable
    public function toArray()
        /* this method should return an array of it's data */

// usage
$session = new YourSessionObject();
$user = new User( $session );


There are a few other options, but this should give you some ideas. Hope this helps.

Sidenote: the constructor has no return value, ie return false does not have the effect you probably intended.

Either use public properties or protected properties+accessor methods.
Or store the $session in your object and then "delegate" each query for a property to that $session object.

class User
  protected $session;

  function __construct($session)
    $this->session = $session;

  function get($name) {
    if( ''==$this->session->get('auto_id')) {
      throw new Exception('...');
    return $this->session->get($name);
$user = new User($session);
echo $user->get('disp_name');

Or use the "magic" __get() method, eg

class User
  protected static $names = array(
    'auto_id', 'disp_name', 'pic_url', 'gender',
    'user_role', 'lat', 'long', 'newregister'
  protected $properties = array();
  function __construct()
    global $session;
    if($session->get('auto_id') != '') {
      foreach(self::$names as $n) {
        $this->properties[$n] = $session->get($n);
    else {
      throw new Exception('...');

  function __get($name) {
    return isset($this->properties[$name]) ? $this->properties[$name] : null;

$user = new User;
echo $user->disp_name;

Use attributes to store it.

//user.class.php file
class User

    public $MY_userid;
    public $MY_name;
    public $MY_pic_url;
    public $MY_gender;
    public $MY_user_role;
    public $MY_lat;
    public $MY_long;
    public $MY_firstvisit;

    function __construct()
        global $session;
        if($session->get('auto_id') != ''){
                //set user vars on every page load
                $this->MY_userid = $session->get('auto_id'); //user id number
                $this->MY_name = $session->get('disp_name');
                $this->MY_pic_url = $session->get('pic_url');
                $this->MY_gender = $session->get('gender');
                $this->MY_user_role = $session->get('user_role');
                $this->MY_lat = $session->get('lat');
                $this->MY_long = $session->get('long');
                $this->MY_firstvisit = $session->get('newregister');
                return false;

最初创建用户对象后,也可以将其保存在$ _SESSION变量中。

//user.class.php file
class User

    function __construct()
        var $MY_userid;
        var $MY_name;
        var $MY_pic_url;
        var $MY_gender;
        var $MY_user_role;
        var $MY_lat;
        var $MY_long;
        var $MY_firstvisit;

        global $session;
        if($session->get('auto_id') != ''){
                //set user vars on every page load
                $this->MY_userid = $session->get('auto_id'); //user id number
                $this->MY_name = $session->get('disp_name');
                $this->MY_pic_url = $session->get('pic_url');
                $this->MY_gender = $session->get('gender');
                $this->MY_user_role = $session->get('user_role');
                $this->MY_lat = $session->get('lat');
                $this->MY_long = $session->get('long');
                $this->MY_firstvisit = $session->get('newregister');
                return false;

// index.php file
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/classes/user.class.php';

$user = new User();
print $user->MY_name;

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