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python-Can't get utf-8 string from sqlalchemy?

I'm trying to get some strings using SQLAlchemy.

tags = db.session.query(Tag.tag_name).order_by(Tag.tag_id).all()

db is my sqlite database. tag_name entities are VARCHAR .

When I'm debugging the program, it shows the tags variable is


Here \网 is a Chinese character.

As the project is based on Flask framework, I use Jinja2 to show each tag in tags .

{% for tag in tags %}
<li><a href="#">{{tag}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}

On the web page it shows exactly like (u'python',) . I want the web page to show things like python , but I don't know how to deal with this strange list object. What should I do?

This should be very straight forward. The query result set is obtained in tuple format. So you have a list of tuples. And for non-utf8 characters use encode function and use list comprehension to generate a list of strings.

You can do this:

tags = [r(0).encode('utf8') for r in tags]

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