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IOAcknowledge method is NOT working for SocketIO in Android?

I am using socketio.jar to establish the connection between Client and Server .

Ie from my Android device(Client) to a Node server.

As I am successfully able to connect, send and receive messages to that server.

The problem is why I am NOT getting any Acknowledgement from socket after emitting message to the server. There is a callBack Interface IOAcknowledge as parameter, that never works/invokes for me.

  socket.emit( "sendMessage", new IOAcknowledge() { @Override public void ack(Object... arg0) { System.out.println("sendMessage IOAcknowledge" + arg0.toString()); } }, "Hi!! how are you"); 

Does anyone know the solution when or how that IOAcknowledge will work?

EDIT : Docs link of socket library which i am using.

Official and Github

It seems, that you forgot to invoke the callback on the server-side code:

var io = require('socket.io')(80);
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
   socket.on('sendMessage', function (data, callback) {
       console.log('Message received:', data); 
       callback('Message successfully delivered to server!');

For more information check this thread or docs


The problem also is that Ack implementation should come as last parameter of emit function, so your Java code should look like this:

socket.emit("sendMessage", "Hi!! how are you", new Ack() {
    public void call(Object... args) {
        System.out.println("sendMessage IOAcknowledge" + args.toString());

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