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Minimal Example of Aurelia with Express

I was hopeful that one of you could walk me through setting up the most minimal project possible that serves an Aurelia application with Express and Node. I am hoping to create a MEAN application where the A stands for Aurelia, but I cannot seem to get it to work. I know there is a project here: Node Aurelia GitHub that is a project which uses Node and Express to serve the Aurelia navigation sample app, but there is too much going on in it at the moment for me to understand it.

If anyone is willing to show me how to do this, I would very much appreciate it. I learn best from simple examples and haven't been able to find anything minimal that does what I want it to do. Perhaps continuing from this post would be a good approach: Setting Up Aurelia From Scratch .

You can view my current attempt at getting this running on GitHub . When this application is run, it appears that Aurelia starts, but nothing displays and I get the error:

Error: Cannot read property 'Symbol(toStringTag)' of null Evaluating http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/npm/babel-core@5.8.35/browser.js Evaluating http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/npm/babel-core@5.8.35.js Error loading http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/npm/babel-core@5.8.35.js Error loading http://localhost:5000/app.js at t ( http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/system.js:4:61 ) at g ( http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/system.js:4:9747 ) at http://localhost:5000/jspm_packages/system.js:4:8054

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!


I believe I have found the answer to the issue I was having, but would still like people's feedback on how they would set up a minimal node, express, aurelia application. I believe the issue was that I was making an incredibly novice mistake and was not actually transpiling my JavaScript into a format the browser understands. I added the code to do this and was able to run my application without issue. Thank you to those of you who provided feedback, it is very much appreciated.

Clone the Aurelia skeleton navigation project . This provides a complete Aurelia sample app. It's essentially everything you need to get a base Aurelia client project up and running with little effort. Next serve the Aurelia sample app client files from your Node.js Express app

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